Agilent 6890N/5973N GC-MS

Our gas chromatograph 6890N (Agilent, USA) is equipped with the following modules:
- two split/splitless inlets
- mass spectrometric Agilent 5975C TAD
- flame-ionization detector
- nitrogen-phosphorus detector
- hydrogen generator GVC-6D (Himelectronkia, Russia)
- zero air generator (Parker, Denmark)
- air compressor Jun-Air
Fully automated introduction and preparation of samples
Multi-Purpose Sampler (Gerstel, Germany) provides automated and highly accurate injection of liquid samples, automated solid-phase microextraction and headspace analysis.
System control
Control of GC-MS instrument and all it's units is fully automated and done using Agilent MSD Productivity ChemStation software.
Processing of chromatograms and identification of peaks
Data collected during GC-MS analysis are processed by Agilent MSD Productivity ChemStation software under the following procedure:
Verification of the instrument specificartions and quality control of the results
All specficiartions of gas chromatograph are verified annually by official standardization bodies. It is very difficult to provide continuous and high-quality operation of gas chromatograph with mass spectrometric detector. However, all maintenance of the instrument is conducted by the laboratory personnel - from column replacement to cleaning of MS ion source. At the present moment, system provides signal to noise ratio >200:1 at injection of 1 pg of octafluoronaphtalene in scan mode in m/z range 50-300 amu.
Detection limits achievable in our laboratory
In our lab, detection limits at the level of 1 ng/L may be achieved due to the use of highly sensitive and selective mass spectrometric detector and effective concentration methods. Electron-capture detector provides similar sensitivity for determination of halogen-containing compounds.
Continuous operation of GC-MS system
Normall, it takes about 5 hours for mass spectrometric detector to be ready for analysis. To achieve stable signal and maximum sensitivity, more than 30 hours are needed. Thus, such system should continuously work without switching off. Uninterrupted power system of our GC-MS provides 1 to 3 hours of work in the case of power outage and allows conducting analyses 24x7. Last year, it allowed us to analyze more than 3000 samples.
Fields of application
Application of gas chromatograpy is extremely wide due to high separation effectiveness, sensitivity and ability to quickly and reliably identify volatile compounds when mass spectrometric detector is used. Today, GC-MS has become the most efficient and reliable method for identification of volatile compounds in any mixtures.
Gas chromatography allows determination of only volatile and semivolatile compounds - from gases to compounds with vapor pressures >60 Torr at working temperature of the chromatograph (400-450 degrees C). Compounds having lower volatility can still be analyzed by GC after derivatization - chemical transfer of analytes to other chemicals suitable for analysis. For example, fatty acids may be analyzed by GC in the form of methyl esters after methylation.
Application in scientific research
Using the results obtained by GC-MS, we published moren than 30 scientific articles including 10 articles in most respected international journals.
In collaboration with our partners, using GC-MS, we collected huge amount of experimental data:
Our laboratory is ready to consider participation in research experiments requiring chromatographic analysis.
Our gas chromatograph 6890N (Agilent, USA) is equipped with the following modules:
- two split/splitless inlets
- mass spectrometric Agilent 5975C TAD
- flame-ionization detector
- nitrogen-phosphorus detector
- hydrogen generator GVC-6D (Himelectronkia, Russia)
- zero air generator (Parker, Denmark)
- air compressor Jun-Air
Fully automated introduction and preparation of samples
Multi-Purpose Sampler (Gerstel, Germany) provides automated and highly accurate injection of liquid samples, automated solid-phase microextraction and headspace analysis.
System control
Control of GC-MS instrument and all it's units is fully automated and done using Agilent MSD Productivity ChemStation software.
Processing of chromatograms and identification of peaks
Data collected during GC-MS analysis are processed by Agilent MSD Productivity ChemStation software under the following procedure:
- search of peaks and their integration;
- identification of peaks on their retention times and mass spectra;
- issue of report (percent report by normalization, quantitative report, library search report).
Verification of the instrument specificartions and quality control of the results
All specficiartions of gas chromatograph are verified annually by official standardization bodies. It is very difficult to provide continuous and high-quality operation of gas chromatograph with mass spectrometric detector. However, all maintenance of the instrument is conducted by the laboratory personnel - from column replacement to cleaning of MS ion source. At the present moment, system provides signal to noise ratio >200:1 at injection of 1 pg of octafluoronaphtalene in scan mode in m/z range 50-300 amu.
Detection limits achievable in our laboratory
In our lab, detection limits at the level of 1 ng/L may be achieved due to the use of highly sensitive and selective mass spectrometric detector and effective concentration methods. Electron-capture detector provides similar sensitivity for determination of halogen-containing compounds.
Continuous operation of GC-MS system
Normall, it takes about 5 hours for mass spectrometric detector to be ready for analysis. To achieve stable signal and maximum sensitivity, more than 30 hours are needed. Thus, such system should continuously work without switching off. Uninterrupted power system of our GC-MS provides 1 to 3 hours of work in the case of power outage and allows conducting analyses 24x7. Last year, it allowed us to analyze more than 3000 samples.
Fields of application
Application of gas chromatograpy is extremely wide due to high separation effectiveness, sensitivity and ability to quickly and reliably identify volatile compounds when mass spectrometric detector is used. Today, GC-MS has become the most efficient and reliable method for identification of volatile compounds in any mixtures.
Gas chromatography allows determination of only volatile and semivolatile compounds - from gases to compounds with vapor pressures >60 Torr at working temperature of the chromatograph (400-450 degrees C). Compounds having lower volatility can still be analyzed by GC after derivatization - chemical transfer of analytes to other chemicals suitable for analysis. For example, fatty acids may be analyzed by GC in the form of methyl esters after methylation.
Application in scientific research
Using the results obtained by GC-MS, we published moren than 30 scientific articles including 10 articles in most respected international journals.
In collaboration with our partners, using GC-MS, we collected huge amount of experimental data:
- analysis of essential oils extracted from plants grown in Kazakhstan;
- analysis of reagents, intermediate and final products of organic and catalytic synthesis;
- determination of contaminants in environmental samples;
- determination of a purity of solvents and gases;
- analysis of oil, petroleum products and environmental objects contaminated by them;
- study of kinetics of chemical processes.
Our laboratory is ready to consider participation in research experiments requiring chromatographic analysis.