Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME)

SPME operation
- Locate the sample into the vial, seal by a proper septum
- Heat the vial to a desired extraction temperature, wait for equilibration
- Introduce fiber assembly into the vial to the headspace above sample (for VOCs) or directly to sample (for NVOCs)
- Expose the fiber and wait during a desired extraction time
- Retract the fiber and remove from vial
- Introduce fiber assembly into the heated inlet port of gas chromatograph
- Expose the fiber and wait during a desired desorption time
Advantages of SPME:
Applications of SPME:
Achievable detection limits
Optimized parameters
Application of SPME in the lab
- Simple
- Fast
- Inexpensive (one fiber > 500 analyses, only a vial with a septum are needed for a single analysis)
- Solventless
- Only volatiles are extracted from headspace (less GC inlet maintenance)
- Easily automated using CTC Combi-PAL, Gerstel MPS, Thermo Tri-Plus or HTA HT280T autosamplers
- "Green" method (very low environmental impact)
Applications of SPME:
- Environmental (air, water, soil)
- Food and Agriculture
- Medicine
- Forensics
Achievable detection limits
- Depends on fiber affinity to analyte and matrix effect
- For very hydrophobic compounds (log Kow > 4): 1 ppt
- For polar compounds (log Kow < 0): 1 ppb
Optimized parameters
- Sample to headspace volumes ratio
- Fiber coating type
- Extraction temperature
- Extraction time
- Amount of salt and other additives
- pH
- Desorption temperature
- Desorption time
Application of SPME in the lab
- Screening and quantification of transformation products of rocket fuel unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine in air, water and soil
- Screening and quantification of volatile organic contaminants in air, water and soil
- Screening and quantification of volatile organic contaminants in alcoholic beverages and foodstuff
Course of interactive lectures on solid-phase microextraction
If you wish to master SPME, please follow the course of interactive lectures being developed by the laboratory.
The course includes the following lectures:
The course includes the following lectures:
- Introduction to SPME (in English and Russian)
- Quantification using SPME (in English and Russian)
- Development and optimization of analytical methods based on SPME (under development)
- Analysis of gaseous samples using SPME (under development)
- Analysis of solid samples using SPME (under development)
- Analysis of liquid samples using SPME (under development)
- Vacuum-assisted SPME (under development)