Development and implementation of “green” methods for determination of organic pollutants in soils (2015-2017)

Importance of the Project
Continuous monitoring of toxic compounds in the environment is the main tool providing environmental security. Soil is considered as the most contaminated and difficult to analyze environmental object. For determination of organic pollutants in soil, very long and “dirty” sample preparation using toxic organic solvents is needed.
Recently a field of green analytical chemistry appeared aiming at the development of environmentally friendly analytical methods. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is the most perspective and “green” sample preparation approach based on analytes extraction by a thin polymer fiber located in the gas phase above sample or its mixture with water. SPME unites extraction, concentration and cleanup into a single step.
Hundreds of SPME-based methods for analysis of environmental and food samples are described in the literature. However, quantitative SPME analysis of solid samples represents highest complexity. Analyte extraction efficiency and response are affected by mechanical composition of sample, concentrations of water and organic carbon.
To minimize and control matrix effect, few approaches are proposed: addition of excess water; extraction by organic solvent followed by filtration, evaporation and addition of water; exhaustive extraction by cold fiber. However, the use of these methods may lead to significant decrease in method sensitivity, use of toxic solvents, increase of labor and time consumption.
In this project, authors propose to control matrix effect by internal standard and standard addition without modification of samples. A problem of long equilibration (aging) of standards in soil samples will be solved. New methodology for accuracy-oriented optimization of SPME methods will be developed.
Project aim is to develop and implement new “green” analytical methods for determination of organic pollutants in soil samples.
Project tasks
• improvement of a methodology of solid-phase microextraction for determination of organic pollutants in soils.
• development of 4 new SPME-based analytical methods for quantitative determination of the following toxic compounds: 1-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole; 1,1-dimethylhydrazine; phenol, aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX) and volatile polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs);
• application and implementation of the developed methods for analysis of soils taken from different locations in Kazakhstan.
Advantages of the developed methods over the currently available methods
Project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
For potential users of methods:
If you are interested in application of the developed methods, please contact Project Manager Dr. Bulat Kenessov via email (
Publications on the project
Articles in international peer-reviewed journals:
Conferences Abstracts and Proceedings:
Interactive lectures:
Continuous monitoring of toxic compounds in the environment is the main tool providing environmental security. Soil is considered as the most contaminated and difficult to analyze environmental object. For determination of organic pollutants in soil, very long and “dirty” sample preparation using toxic organic solvents is needed.
Recently a field of green analytical chemistry appeared aiming at the development of environmentally friendly analytical methods. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is the most perspective and “green” sample preparation approach based on analytes extraction by a thin polymer fiber located in the gas phase above sample or its mixture with water. SPME unites extraction, concentration and cleanup into a single step.
Hundreds of SPME-based methods for analysis of environmental and food samples are described in the literature. However, quantitative SPME analysis of solid samples represents highest complexity. Analyte extraction efficiency and response are affected by mechanical composition of sample, concentrations of water and organic carbon.
To minimize and control matrix effect, few approaches are proposed: addition of excess water; extraction by organic solvent followed by filtration, evaporation and addition of water; exhaustive extraction by cold fiber. However, the use of these methods may lead to significant decrease in method sensitivity, use of toxic solvents, increase of labor and time consumption.
In this project, authors propose to control matrix effect by internal standard and standard addition without modification of samples. A problem of long equilibration (aging) of standards in soil samples will be solved. New methodology for accuracy-oriented optimization of SPME methods will be developed.
Project aim is to develop and implement new “green” analytical methods for determination of organic pollutants in soil samples.
Project tasks
• improvement of a methodology of solid-phase microextraction for determination of organic pollutants in soils.
• development of 4 new SPME-based analytical methods for quantitative determination of the following toxic compounds: 1-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole; 1,1-dimethylhydrazine; phenol, aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX) and volatile polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs);
• application and implementation of the developed methods for analysis of soils taken from different locations in Kazakhstan.
Advantages of the developed methods over the currently available methods
- Substantially (about 10 times) lower cost for analysis of a single sample due to minimal expenses of materials and automation;
- No toxic compounds are emitted to the environment;
- No toxic waste is collected as a result of analysis.
Project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
For potential users of methods:
If you are interested in application of the developed methods, please contact Project Manager Dr. Bulat Kenessov via email (
Publications on the project
Articles in international peer-reviewed journals:
- Yegemova S., Bakaikina N.V., Kenessov B., Koziel J., Nauryzbayev M., 2015. Determination of 1-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole in soils contaminated by rocket fuel using solid-phase microextraction, isotope dilution and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Talanta 143, 226-233. (IF=4.162, first quartile in "Chemistry, Analytical" section of the Journal Citation Reports)
- Zhubatov Z.K., Kenessov B., Bakaikina N.V., Bimaganbetova A.O., Akynbayev N., Bakhytkyzy I., 2016. Fast determination of 1-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole in soils contaminated by rocket fuel using solvent extraction, isotope dilution and GC-MS. Chromatographia 79, 491-499 (IF=1.402, third quartile in "Chemistry, Analytical" section of the Journal Citation Reports)
- Kenessov B., Koziel J., Bakaikina N.V., Orazbayeva D., 2016. Perspectives and challenges of on-site quantification of organic pollutants in soils using solid-phase microextraction. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85B, 111-122 (IF = 8.442, first quartile in "Chemistry, Analytical" section of the Journal Citation Reports)
- Orazbayeva D., Kenessov B., Koziel J.A., Nassyrova D., Lyabukhova N.V., 2017, Quantification of BTEX in soil by headspace SPME-GC-MS using combined standard addition and internal standard calibration. Chromatographia. doi: 10.1007/s10337-017-3340-0. (IF=1.402, third quartile in "Chemistry, Analytical" section of the Journal Citation Reports)
Conferences Abstracts and Proceedings:
- Yegemova S.S., Bakaikina N.V., Kenessov B.N., 2015. Quantification of 1-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole in soils of fall places of carrier rockets by solid-phase microextraction in combination with gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Abstracts of All-Russian conference "Theory and Practice of Chromatography", Samara, Russia. P.222.
- Bakaikina N.V., Yegemova S.S., Kenessov B.N., 2015. Study and minimization of matrix effect during determination of 1-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole by headspace solid-phase microextraction and GC-MS in soils contaminated by unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine rocket fuel residuals. Abstracts of the International conference “Mendeleev-2015”, Saint Petersburg, Russia. P.370.
- Bakaikina N.V., Yegemova S.S., Kenessov B.N., 2015. Fast quantification of transformation products of rocket fuel unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine in soil using solid-phase microextraction and GC-MS. Abstracts of the International Chemical Congress "Pacifichem-2015". ANYL 664.
- Orazbayeva D., Karatayeva U., Kenessov B., Koziel J.A., 2016. Quantification of BTEX in soil by SPME-GC-MS using standard addition and internal standard approaches. Abstracts of 18th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies & 22nd International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Torun, Poland, 2016. P.151.
- Bakaikina N.V., Kenessov B.N., Ul’yanovskii N.V., Kosyakov D.S., Pokryshkin S.A., 2017. Determination of transformation products of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine in soil using SPME-GC-MS/MS. Abstracts of All-Russian Conference "Analytical Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis", Tuapse, Russia, P.194.
- Orazbayeva D., Kenessov B., Nassyrova D., Lyabukhova N., Bektassov M., Psillakis E., 2017. Determination of transformation products of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine in water using vacuum-assisted HSSPME. Abstracts of 19th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. P.354.
Interactive lectures:
- Kenessov B., Tukhmetova D., Shakeshev M. "Introduction to solid-phase microextraction"
- Kenessov B., Orazbayeva D., Umirbekova Z. "Quantification using solid-phase microextraction".