Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan

Project title: Development and implementation of “green” methods for determination of organic pollutants in soils
Project Manager - Prof. Bulat Kenessov
Years to be conducted: 2015-2017
Project Manager - Prof. Bulat Kenessov
Years to be conducted: 2015-2017
Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan

Project title: Development of semi-automatic station for monitoring concentrations of volatile organic contaminants in ambient air of cities using chromatographic methods
Project Manager - Prof. Bulat Kenessov
Years to be conducted: 2015-2017
Project Manager - Prof. Bulat Kenessov
Years to be conducted: 2015-2017
K-1983 project of the International Science and Technology Center, ISTC, Moscow

Project full title -
Improvement of Forensic Methodology for Study of Alcoholic Beverages
Project Manager - Dr. Bulat Kenessov
Years conducted: 2012-2015
Local collaborator: Forensic Expertise Center of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan
Foreign collaborators: Prof. Lars Carlsen (Denmark), Prof. Jacek Koziel (USA), Prof. Johannes van Leeuwen (USA)
Total funding: 242,170 USD provided by United States of America (USA)
Project Manager - Dr. Bulat Kenessov
Years conducted: 2012-2015
Local collaborator: Forensic Expertise Center of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan
Foreign collaborators: Prof. Lars Carlsen (Denmark), Prof. Jacek Koziel (USA), Prof. Johannes van Leeuwen (USA)
Total funding: 242,170 USD provided by United States of America (USA)
Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan

Project title: Development of methodological background for control of organic ecotoxicants in Kazakhstan using methods of green analytical chemistry
Project Manager: Dr. Bulat Kenessov
Years conducted: 2012-2014
Total funding: 15M KZT (100,000 USD) provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
Project Manager: Dr. Bulat Kenessov
Years conducted: 2012-2014
Total funding: 15M KZT (100,000 USD) provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan

Project title: Development of the base of methodological approaches to the solution of problems of food safety using physical chemical and biological studies
Project Manager: Prof. Mikhail Nauryzbayev
Years conducted: 2012-2014
Total funding - 24M KZT (160,000 USD) provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
Project Manager: Prof. Mikhail Nauryzbayev
Years conducted: 2012-2014
Total funding - 24M KZT (160,000 USD) provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
K-1482 project of the International Science and Technology Center, ISTC, Moscow

Project title - Development of effective methods of analysis of environmental objects contaminated with rocket fuel components and creation of a scheme of high-sensitive biosensor module for the presence of mutagens
Project Manager: Prof. Svetlana Batyrbekova
Years conducted - 2007-2011
Total funding - 399,144.48 USD, provided by the European Union (EU)
Project Manager: Prof. Svetlana Batyrbekova
Years conducted - 2007-2011
Total funding - 399,144.48 USD, provided by the European Union (EU)
Program NTP 0.0482 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan

Project title - Environmental studies in the areas of oil exploration and development of methods for long-term monitoring
Project Manager: Mikhail Nauryzbayev
Years conducted - 2009-2011
Total funding - 13.5M KZT (90,000 USD) provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
Project Manager: Mikhail Nauryzbayev
Years conducted - 2009-2011
Total funding - 13.5M KZT (90,000 USD) provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan